Nexus Climate Control Applications
The Nexus Climate Control System (CCS) for the Baron and Twin Bonanza has been engineered for a perfect fit. Heating and air conditioning systems for Cessna, Piper, Boeing, Lockheed and other custom installations are covered by multiple STCs and FAA field approval.
As an example, the Nexus Climate Control System for the Baron and Twin Bonanza uses specially designed C&D Heating system and Nexus CCS air conditioning. Control is by a sophisticated command unit that gives you a fully integrated, automatic cabin comfort system. This process can also be integrated into your existing heating system.
This system is currently supplement type certificated (STC'd) for aircraft such as Beechcraft Baron, and Douglas DC-3's.
Because the Nexus Climate Control System has been approved by the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) it can be installed in any aircraft. This is easily accomplished by way of FAA field approval where an STC is not yet available.