Nexus Climate Control System Features
Nexus air conditioner adds only 28 to 35 pounds to your aircraft with no compromise to the luggage areas
Adaptive "Set and Forget" control allows you to select a temperature and the system does the rest
Uses existing heating system distribution platform

Gill Plate
Heater Exhaust
Heater exhaust and air conditioning gill plate on the Beechcraft Baron

The Nexus air conditioner components in the Baron are designed to fit neatly under the nose baggage compartment of the airplane.

Adjustable air conditioner dash vent; also, note that the factory fresh air vents are also retained rather than preempted by the A/C system

Specially designed combustion heating system by C&D Associates perfectly integrates to Nexus CCS air conditioning system

Integrated aircraft cabin comfort system control panel installed on the Beech Baron. Set and forget it; the system automatically maintains your preferred cabin temperature

Custom installations available